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W. Alquimin Arq. & Design

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(13) 98872-8211

Comendador Martins / 344 – Santos / SP


Wanderson Alquimin – CAU : 170100-2

Arquiteto e Urbanista formado pela Universidade Católica de Santos – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo – FAUS. Atuou como estagiário na Prefeitura Municipal de Santos, além do escritório STUDIO 47.

Architect and Urbanist graduated from the Catholic University of Santos – Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism – FAUS. He worked as a trainee at the Prefeitura Municipal de Santos, in addition to the STUDIO 47 office.

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Gênesis 1:3)